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Emails for the Chiefs, inquiries, concerns, etc

                   WHAT WE DO​​

    The North Branford Fire Department is an all-hazards response agencie operated by a command staff that includes the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief. They are assisted by a Deputy Chief of Training, Assistant Chief of Training, Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal; Company Captains, Lieutenants and Foreman are charged with managing their respective units.
   The Department is charged with improving and maintaining the quality of life for our citizens and visitors through providing effective and efficient fire suppression; emergency medical services;  rescue operations;  hazardous materials response;  fire prevention, inspection and investigation; public fire education and training. Incident operations are managed through the implementation of written rules and regulations, standard operating guidelines, general orders and policies and procedures.
     The NBFD is the designated by CT-OEMS as the primary EMS responder for the community and operates the ambulance at the mobile intensive care paramedic level. Each company operates either a quick response EMS unit and or heavy rescue truck. 

Welcome to the North Branford Fire Department​​