Welcome to the North Branford Fire Department​​ 

Join Our Cadet Program

The North Branford Fire Department offers the youth in our community the ability to serve within the organization as a Fire Cadet. This program is chartered through the Boy Scouts of America Learning for Life Program and open to those 14-18 years of age.  The program is supervised by senior members of the Department who meet the requirements set forth by the BSA to serve as mentors. Cadets meet on a weekly basis and engage in classroom as well as practical skill evolutions as permitted by the CT Department of Labor. A strong focus is on building teamwork, self-confidence and safety.  These young members must maintain a good scholastic record while participating in the Cadet Program; each are provided with firefighting protective clothing to use while training. Many take advantage of the opportunity to participate in training classes held at the CT Fire Academy while others obtain certification as Emergency Medical Responders (EMR). For more information on the NBFD Explorer Program please fill out the form on this page.