Welcome to the North Branford Fire Department​​ 

Contact fire marshal office

Carbon Monoxide Info



 North Branford Fire Marshal's office consists of

Fire Marshal ( Bert Bunnell)

Deputy Fire Marshal ( John O'Brien)

The Office is responsible for enforcing Chapter 541 of the CT General Statues Fire Prevention Safety Code, CT State Fire Prevention Code and Numerous local requirements. Fire Marshal office is located at Town Hall.

Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal responsibilities include but not limited to

  1. Enforce all applicable CT fire codes & regulations
  2. Investigate cause & origin of any fire or explosion
  3. Inspect in the Interest of public safety all public buildings
  4. Inspect in the interest of public safety all new construction,  and single family homes
  5. Maintain records of all hazardous materials located within our town.
  6. Maintain records of all storage, transportation, & use of explosives & blasting agents within NB
  7. Inspect blasting sites, issue permits & collect fees for local blasting
  8. Act as towns open burning official & issue permits for the burning of brush by town residents (link is on page)
  9. Maintain fire department response records that are required to be recorded to the state on a monthly basis. 
  10. ​Respond to inquires, concerns and complaints from town residents
  11. Provide public education to residents and fire prevention education in all schools and daycares.